“Sir Isaac Newton’s first law of motion disproves the warping of space”.

Sir Isaac Newton’s first law of motion is this: An object will remain at rest or in uniform motion in a straight line unless compelled to change it’s state by an external force. This is true and physically provable.

Space can never bend and offer an alteration to the aspects described in the first law of motion.
The external force can never be the structure of space itself due to “rest” and “uniform motion in a straight line” stated by the first law, which happens in space. If it was space that interacted with the object (past being space) then “rest” and “uniform motion in a straight line” would not be such, and they are because the first law of motion is correct. So an external force being anything other than the initial structure it exist in …. space.
With that Albert Einstein stated, “As a result of the more careful study of the electromagnetic phenomena, we have come to regard action at a distance (or close, added by me)as a process impossible without the intervention of an intermediary medium”. So no interaction no alteration or bending or warping.
The first law proves an object in space does not interact with the structure of space. So no interaction there is no bending or warping of space with an object/matter, proven by the first law.

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